Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Assignment 5, Family Story

Photo of a girl

When i was young i had migraines

girl grabbing her head

they scared my mom pretty bad

cat scan image of a head (maybe the actual one)

she took me to the hospital

older girl holding the medical file the the scan peeking out

i don't remember it, i was only 5

photo of fathers side of family

bad headaches run in my family

dad downing aspirin

my dad and his mom still get them

photo of the top of the girls head

so do i

older girl grabbing her head while trying to work on a painting

there are few days when i dont wake up with a head ache

photo of the girl young with long hair

i used to have very long hair

girl caught on the school chairs

i remember it getting stuck in the buttons on the school chair

photo of father and grandmother

thick hair also runs in my family

older girl with long nails and a bushy head of hair

its alittle extreme sometimes

photo of short hair cut

in middle school i got it all cut off

bundle of hair

it weighed almost 2 pounds, we donated it to locks of love

smiling picture of the short hair girl (or something else, would have to look through my photo album)

i started having less migraines

girl crying and hiding from the light on a middle school bus

not that they stopped all together

photo student id card ( i hate that photo)

when i started collage i was still having them

blurry still life

and i couldn't see well enough to paint

photo of still life brought into focus by glasses

i got glasses

top of girls head cut off right below the eyes

i haven't had a bad migraine since

Assignment 3, Dream

panel 1 girl standing at a bathroom mirror

panel 2 red swirling in the sink

panel 3 tongue running over her teeth

panel 4 grin into the mirror

Page 2
Panel 1 finger touching tooth

Panel 2 2 fingers touching tooth and wiggling it

Panel 3 tooth pulled free

Panel 4 tooth in sink

Page 3
Panel 1 girl in mirror licking where tooth used to be

Panel 2 rubs her eyes

Panel 3 opens one eye

Panel 4 touches another tooth

Page 4
Panel 1 2 teeth in the sink

Panel 2 close up of squinted in pain eyes

Panel 3 3 teeth in the sink

Panel 4 close up of surprised eyes

Page 5
Panel 1 hand covering mouth

Panel 2 blood leaking through fingers

Panel 3 cough/gag, blood squirting through fingers

Panel 4 spitting blood into sink

Page 6
Panel 1 lots of teeth in sink

Panel 2 close up of hand over mouth

Panel 3 zoom out of girl sitting up in bed with hand over mouth

Panel 4 cheeking teeth with tongue all accounted for